Buddha Life Thangka
We have number of collection "Buddha Life Story Thangka Art Paintings". Discover the beauty of Buddha's life thangka painting at Nepal Art Shop. Shop now and bring a piece of Buddha's teachings to your home. The life of Lord Gautama Buddha is an enlightening story for many people. It speaks to the good and bad stages of life that both men and women experience. It tells of the reality of life, how the prince left the palace in search of a way to end human suffering, and how greed, age, beauty, money, and power can ruin our lives. This hand-painted Buddha Life Story Thangka depicts the entire life of Lord Gautama Buddha and his quest for enlightenment. From the day he was born in the garden of Lumbini, to his childhood locked inside the palace, to the day he ventured beyond the castle walls and saw the suffering of the world, to the night he escaped the palace and began his life of wandering ascetic, to his years of fasting and meditation, to the full moon night when he had a direct realization of Nirvana, to the time he spent guiding people towards love and friendship, to the day he left this world at the age of eighty, having exhausted his human body for the sake of all sentient beings. All of these moments are captured in this beautiful Buddha Life Story Thangka Painting.
Buy exclusive Buddha Life Story Thangka Art and Paintings from us today and experience the life of Lord Gautama Buddha for yourself!