Silk yarn, Banana Yarn, Multicolor Yarn, Nepal Art Shop, Silk Yarns, Knitting Yarn, Weaving Yarn, Projects Yarn
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Multi Color Silk and Banana Yarn : Recycled Silk and Banana Yarn
Multicolor Yarn, Silk Yarns, Banana Yarn,  fabric and yarn, Knitting Yarn, Weaving Yarn, Projects Yarn

This fabric and yarn bundle is perfect for all your crafting needs! Included is one yard of multicolor silk fabric, plus one skein of banana yarn. The silk fabric is perfect for making quilts, pillows, apparel, and more. The banana yarn is made of a blend of cotton and wool, making it incredibly soft and perfect for knitting and crocheting. The vibrant colors of the fabric and yarn will bring life to any project, making it a must-have for any craft enthusiast.

Nepal Art Shop is a leading supplier of high-quality multicolor silk and banana yarn. Our products are ethically sourced from sustainable sources and are available in bulk at wholesale prices. We provide a variety of colors and textures, including royal blue, pink, yellow, and green. Our silk and banana yarn is perfect for weaving, knitting, and crochet projects to create unique and beautiful pieces. Our products are durable and lightweight, making them great for travel and use in a variety of climates. Our multicolor silk and banana yarn is sure to be a hit with crafters and fashion designers alike. Shop with us today to get the best quality at the best prices.

For wholesale orders, please contact us via email at or Whatsapp at 977 9860937940. We look forward to helping you find the perfect fabric and yarn for your creative projects!

Name : Fabric Yarns & Wool
Code : FYN202206
Material : Recycled Fabric Yarns & Wool
Price : Qty base Wholesale
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Nepal Art Shop Export & Import (P.) Ltd.
Nepal Government Registered
Kathmandu, Nepal. 977 9860937940
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