fabric and yarn, Yarn Spinning, 100% silk by the yard, 100% silk yarn, Fashion Garments, woven, knit fabric,
Sari silk yarn, Recycled Wool yarn, Wool and felt, Hemp yarn fabrics, nettle yarns, banana yarns, banana fabric, wool blend fabric,
yarn material, dyed fabric, knit fabric, felted fabric
fabric and yarn supplies, Fabric and Yarns supplies, Fashion Garments, woven, knit fabric,
Sari silk yarn, Recycled Wool yarn, Wool and felt, Hemp yarn fabrics, nettle yarn, banana yarn, banana fabric,
nettle yarn for sale, nettle fiber clothing, 100% hemp yarn, natural fabric and yarns
Fabric Yarn & Wool : Eco Friendly widely used materials in Fashion Garments and Crafty Moms 
fabric and yarn, knitting wool fabric and yarn, yarn and fabric stock, recycled sari silk yarn, felt wool and yarn, yarn basket, hemp fabric, banana yarn

Nepal Art Shop Export & Import Pvt. Ltd Supplies fabric and yarn, knitting wool fabric and yarn, Textile Fiber, multi recycled silk yarn, Recucled Silk Fabric Yarns, banana yarns, hemp yarns, nettle fabric yarns, felted fabric and merino wool which are eco friendly products from us. All fabric and yarns are used for making clothes, knitting sweaters, making DIY arts and crafts, womens crafts making projects and finally rope making and rugs making for home decor. All fabric and Yarns used in making different sort products.
We are manufacturer and exporter of Fabric Yarns and Wool from Nepal. Below the fabric/Yarn and Wool in general:
*Recycled Silk Multi Fabric Yarn
*Sari Silk fabric
*Recycled Silk Solid Fabric
*Sari Silk Ribbon Fabric
*Recycled Wool yarn
*Nettle Fabrics Yarn
*Nettle Wool
*Hemp Fabric Yarns
*Hemp Wool
*Sheep Wool Yarn
*Wool and Felt: For all your wool and felt supplies
*Feswa multi Thrum
*Banana Fabric
*Recycled Banana Yarns

Contact us for wholesale buy in bulk. To know exact products details and only for order in need email us.     
E-mail: nepalartshop@gmail.com | Whatsapp: 977 9860937940

Name : Fabric Yarns & Wool
Code : FYN2022022
Material : Recycled Fabric Yarns & Wool
Price : Qty base Wholesale
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Nepal Art Shop Export & Import (P.) Ltd.
Nepal Government Registered
Kathmandu, Nepal. 977 9860937940
Email: nepalartshop@gmail.com / nepalartshop@outlook.com

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