Nepal Handicrafts, Wholesale Supplies, Nepal Crafts, Nepal Product, Traditional Handicraft, Nepalese Handicraft
Nepal Crafts, Nepal Product, Traditional Handicraft, Nepalese Handicraft, Nepal Gifts, Nepali Handicrafts,
Handmade Handicraft, Metal Statues, Carved Wooden Masks, newari, wall painting, Pashmina Shawls, Handmade Paper Products, Silver and Bronze Jewelry, Handwoven Textiles
Nepal Art Crafts for Sale: Nepal Handicrafts Wholesale Supplies
Nepal Handicrafts, Wholesale, Supplies, Art Shop, Traditional, Crafts, Jewelry


Discover the best selection of Nepalese handicrafts at Nepal Art Shop! We offer a wide range of unique items from Nepal including metal statues, carved wooden masks, traditional Newari artwork, wall paintings, Pashmina shawls, handmade Lokta paper products, silver and bronze jewelry, felt crafts, woolens, fabrics and yarns, clothing, handwoven textiles, garments, dresses, bamboo crafts, Newa art, mandalas, musical instruments, Himalayan carpets, prayer flags, hand-carved boxes, paintings, singing bowls, Thangka art, hemp fabric crafts, beads, and beading jewelry - all at wholesale prices. Our products are handcrafted with love, care, and attention to detail, and we take pride in offering only the highest quality items at the most competitive prices. With our excellent customer service, convenient online shopping, and reasonable shipping rates, Nepal Art Shop is your one-stop destination for all your handmade Nepalese handicrafts needs.
Nepal Handicrafts is an ancient tradition of handcrafting and artisanal work that has been practiced in the country since the 4th century. The earliest evidence of Nepal Handicrafts can be traced back to the Lichhavi Period, when artisans and craftspeople began to produce intricate metalwork, pottery, and other decorative items. The traditional Nepali Handicrafts industry has been around for centuries, with artisans passing down their craft from generation to generation. During the Malla Dynasty, the craftsmanship and skill of Nepali artisans reached its peak, with intricate woodcarvings, metalwork and jewelry making, and more becoming popular in the royal courts.
The 19th century saw a decline in the popularity of Nepali Handicrafts, as industrialization and mass production took over. However, the early 20th century saw a revival in the popularity of traditional Nepali art and craft, with the establishment of handicrafts schools such as the Patan Thakuri in Kathmandu. Today, Nepal Handicrafts are still popular, with a wide range of products available including jewelry, home décor, clothing, and more. The Nepali Handicrafts industry is a major contributor to the country’s economy, and is one of the most important sources of income for many artisans and craftspeople. Nepal Handicrafts are now exported around the world, and can be found in many stores and souvenir shops. The traditional skill and craftsmanship of Nepali artisans is appreciated and celebrated by many, and is an important part of the country’s cultural heritage.

For Nepal Handicrafts Catalogs-Shipping Cost-best negotiation and deal done please email us.
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Name : Nepal Arts & Crafts Suppies
Code : BUY2023006
Size : Email US
Weight : Email US
Materials : Metals
Price : Qty base
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Nepal Art Shop Export & Import (P.) Ltd.
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Kathmandu, Nepal. 977 9860937940
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